Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lab 8: Database Management and Queries

Boldstad Chapter 8 questions and answers
1. A database management system is a specialized computer program for organizing and manipulating data. It stores the properties of geographic objects and the relationships among the objects. Additionally, a DBMS incorporates a specialized set of software tools for managing tabular data, including those for efficient data storage, retrieval, indexing, and reporting.

2. In a one-to-one relationship, only one record connects to another. In a many-to-one relationship there are several records connect to one other record in a different table.

3. Relational databases prevent redundancy, increase data quality and independence, they create centralized control, and they allow multiple users.

Ormsby Chapter 8 & 9
4a. String data (because it’s left-justified) Also, this can be determined by opening properties of layer and looking at fields (this tells you the data type)

4b. This is also string data

5a. LU_Description, LU_General, LU_Type, Sq. miles, and Acres are the fields that have been joined
5e. Total acres: 92,236.77

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